Dr. Wafaa graduated from the Faculty of Medicine Alex Univ 1980, finished her master degree in Breast Cancer and obesity in 1988, then her PhD in Behavioral and psychological aspects of obesity 2000, post doctor studies in obesity (Liverpool Univ.), Eating disorders, CBT, motivational interviewing Lifestyle medicine, cosmetic medicine, Laser in medicine and cosmetology, Non surgical body contouring and injection
Lipolysis (UK-France -Germany -USA)
She worked in the Ministry of Health as a General Practitioner 1981-1988
She is the founder and owner of WHAM clinics & Academy since 1989 till now
She has participated in National and International Obesity Conferences and published many Researches in the International Medical Journals
She is the head and founder of the Medical Association for the Study and Management of Obesity MASMO the first Obesity Association in the Middle East